Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Prata man can.

So, my prata empire adventures have been solidly worked on with tonnes of actual legwork/research. By scouring the lands for the cheapest and best pratas, I have found the best prata available in the Clayton precinct (I loathe to use this term, my colleagues from Sonic Arts in RP can testify to this), and it's darn cheap, and pretty decent.

Only $1.50 for a plain and $2.00 for an egg prata. Add a $2.00 chicken curry with drumstick, I had a pretty good deal. By far the cheapest, on average, pratas in this precinct (ahem) hover around $4. In the city, they go up to $8. And best of all, there was an actual authentic prata flipper, behind a glass shield. And there is option for murtabak. Run by a Singaporean family that migrated to Australia 9 years ago, I was glad to make my first prata flipper aquaintance - Uncle Latiff and family.


Siyuan said...

since when do you eat drumstick. and it's loathe, unless you're all punny.

ferylbob said...

it's not like they do curry with breast meat. and yes, have corrected the loaf, must have been thinking of something else.

Anonymous said...

you should also correct the precin(c)t - or you'll end up miscommunicating the overarching idea.

ferylbob said...

didn't quite realise, perhaps I don't have the cunning to coin up terms like that for everyday use. Correction made. =)

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