Monday, January 26, 2009

Chope - Easy Come Easy Go

Finally, some new material after a long while. With the studio built, Wes, Ron and myself have gotten down to work to test the capabilities of the studio and our gear.

Here's a sneak preview to some of the new music we're working on. Not anywhere near ready yet, but I figured it'll be worth getting some feedback on our new tunes. So, this is by no way at all an official release :) But it sure is a product of 2 weeks of intensive band camp - more so to get our workflow correct and that the gear work, so please do pardon the quality of the track - it really is just a demo!

This is Easy Come Easy Go, and we're now called 'Chope'. Yup, we're done and dusted with English names that aren't quite enough to say what we would like to say, and 'Chope', harking back to our days as kids does the right job. For those who don't recall - remember playing Catching or Police and Thief and going 'Chope' when you seriously need a time out to tie those laces or catch a drink? That's what we're about. Stepping aside, taking a breather, living life outside that narrow line.

Download it here (file's valid for downloading for 7 days)

Thank you!

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