Sunday, January 11, 2009

and so it is.

love is brightest in the dark.

just finishing watching an interesting doco/drama on climate change. 'Set in the Year 2075. Climate predictions made at the beginning of the 21st century have turned out to be dramatically true and global warming of the Earth's atmosphere has now serious consequences on the every day lives of our grandchildren.'

the film's from France and called Changing Climate, Changing Times. Recommended watch! Summer, has really been weird here in Melbourne this year. It's most definitely a month late to date.

In other climate related news. Here's a good read on the winners and losers of our changing climate. Most of us are suffering under what the industrialized nations are imposing on us.


Florence Craye said...

For a second there I thought you were writing about "The Blower's Daughter".


ferylbob said...

not quite :) caught it on some cartoon I've been following.

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