Monday, March 10, 2008

Not quite moomba-ed

That's my sister Melissa who's visiting from KL above (yes I meant it both ways). It's been great having her around!


Monday was Labour Day, and is traditionally celebrated with the massive Moomba Festival. I recall having a fab time there a couple of years back, but this year's scorching heat @ 37 didn't make for a great time at the carnival. So we ended up doing everything else after the 40 minute drive to town.

On the way to Moomba, we got so hungry for Vietnamese Pho we forgot Windsor's vegetarian requirements. So he spent the lunch hour staring at Basil, Taugeh at al.

The famous Hook-Turn signs in the city. Been a long while since I needed to do one, staying relatively far from the city.

Only way to beat the heat? Stay close to the malls and load up on ice cream.

And then we played pool with too many balls and Mel going nuts with the camera :P. Yeap, not much pictures of the Moomba Festival at all. Coz there simply wasn't much to do there in that heat.

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