My subjects this sem require heavy duty reading, not one of my hobbies. Especially when it's reading not relating to religion or popular science. Had a massive presentation this week on Issues in International Communications, yes it's just week 2. Worth 20%. How intense!
Here're what they are about -
Issues in International Communications -
This unit explores key issues arising from the rapid change in the international communications environment by examining the cultural, political and social impacts of transformations in communications technologies - from text-based media to the borderless reaches of satellite and the internet. Students will examine e-governance; the impact of cable and satellite television; the use of the internet as a space for dissent during conflicts; computer hacking and cyber-crime, the internationalisation of news coverage and dissemination of information during times of global and local crisis, with particular reference to reporting terrorism and the 'embedded' journalism of war-time.
Communications, Convergence and Public Policy -
The unit analyses the convergence of narrative film, television program and web page on the Internet. Implications of this process are considered for knowledge construction, online communities and public spheres, as well as for use of the internet and communication policy philosophy, particularly but not exclusively in Australia, Malysia and Singapore. Through discussing internationally published research, media theory is demonstrated to have a wide range of applications across internet user and consumer studies, electronic journalism and policy and public relations practice.
In other news, more of my work on the local papers. This one's on a community paper called the Diamond Valley Leader.
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