Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gallivanting and Vagabondishing

Guitarist and I have been officially househunting proper for 10 days after 2months of planning. 14 applications have been made and over 20 houses/apartments inspected.

More news to come once we settle down. At the moment, days are spent hunting in the heat/or working, and nights have given us shelter from the heat in the cosiness of parks and random beaches.

In the meantime, we are officially 'homeless'. :)

Also, during this whole crusade, I was given shelter by a Chinese friend and had these felines sharing my bed for a couple of days. They're both female. Hmm.

1 comment:

yahwee said...

u're homeless? so where do u stay meanwhile till your application(s) get through? :S

the felines look like great companions. always wanted to get my own cats.. maybe in time to come. :)

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