Friday, January 15, 2010

It's simple: India doesn't want to see its citizens harmed

So sad to experience this happening in a place many times voted as the top city to live in the world. That joyful vibe to the place has somewhat dissipated over the years, and quickly replaced by seeds of misunderstandings, and imposing agendas.

It really is simple, all it takes is a little understanding and a willingness to walk hand in hand. It does not help sometimes that Asian communities like to cluster together like packs. Integration is the key, though the road has already been set by poorly planned immigration programmes flooding the country without knowing how to do the job properly.

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It's simple: India doesn't want to see its citizens harmed
Source - The Age, 15 Jan 2010

Picture the scene of a car accident. An injured person lies on the ground needing help while the two drivers squabble over who caused the crash. That's about how intelligent the debate over attacks on Indian students has been.

It is embarrassing to watch politicians, police and the media in Australia and India engage in a dialogue that has so far been fatuous and, quite frankly, infantile.

On both sides there has been a lot of hot air and finger pointing. It's a dialogue of the deaf.

Victoria Police, announcing the lack of evidence for a racial motive after Nitin Garg's murder in a Yarraville park early this month, tell us Indian students are safer in Australia than in India. So what? Commentators tell us that terrible crimes are committed in India, too. So what?

And politicians, who tell us Australia is a safe destination for students, make matters worse by parroting a mantra that feeds the perception that Australia is either in denial or avoiding the issue.

Similarly, in India the reaction by some politicians has been hysterical. External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna said Garg's death was a ''heinous crime against humanity'' that would have a bearing on bilateral relations. Indeed, it was a heinous crime and it is understandable that the minister should want to passionately indicate his alarm, but to evoke something along the lines of genocide was simply absurd.

As if matters were not surreal enough, those in the Indian media who have been frothing at the mouth with indignation, disseminating inaccurate information with their breathless reporting and engaging in pompous moralising, have done a spectacular job of dragging the level of debate down as low as it could possibly go.

We have seen this cycle repeated every time an Indian student is attacked in Australia, and there is no sign it will be any different next time an incident occurs. But beyond the vacuous debate, an interesting picture is becoming visible.
India's growing confidence as an emerging superpower is on display. It will not tolerate its citizens being pushed around and it will not be shy in saying so. And Australia, whether it likes it or not, carries much racial baggage.

The White Australia policy may have ended more than 30 years ago, but it casts a very long shadow. Historically speaking, Pauline Hanson and the Cronulla riots are fresh incidents hitting an old nerve.

Add to this a globally connected, technologically sophisticated media that never sleeps. News from anywhere in the world is part of a 24/7 cutthroat cycle to get the headlines first. It is in this context that the debate over attacks on students is being played out.

And perhaps, somewhere deep in the background, is the rumbling over Australia's refusal to sell uranium to India.
But while the babble and hype has been going on, a single refreshing note of clarity has been sounded. India's erudite Minister of State, Shashi Tharoor, has sought to focus on what is at the heart of the matter.

When I spoke to him a few days ago, he made two important points: first, that Australia has a crime problem in the suburbs that it must attend to, and second, that India is within its rights to speak out when its citizens face danger.
''The whole racism issue has really coloured this debate in an unhealthy way, because when our media either seizes on that, or the Australian media in turn respond critically, we are essentially dealing with not black or brown or white, but red herrings,'' he said.

''We value our relationship with Australia, it's a friendly country … The truth is this is a problem of law and order, one that Australia is dealing with and needs to deal with internally. But it cannot but affect us when our citizens are reported to be suffering.''

And in a nod towards the nuances of the debate, he acknowledged the impact that India's ''agitated media'' had had on the Indian public by its constant reporting of Australian racism. ''Without wanting to exaggerate in any way the extent of this violence, it does worry us how this has become almost a dominant perception of Australia in the minds of so many Indians,'' he said.

In a few elegant words, Tharoor cut to the heart of the issue and it is worth quoting him in full: ''For an Indian mother to hear that her son has been assaulted in Australia, it little matters to her whether he was assaulted because of his race, or because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because he was the wrong colour or the wrong height, or was carrying an iPod. She doesn't want her son to be assaulted.

''It's a very common human feeling and that's essentially what this is all about.''

Sushi Das is an Age senior writer. She is in India as a guest of the Indian Government.

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