Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Convergence ---> Hybridity

It seems convergence has been the buzzword of this 21st century (think technology, culture, cognition, even simplier, think Radio - TV - to WII, all converging technologies and wants), but a few have taken this now-dated notion and realising hmm. Hybridity is a better word. This game os semantic gymnastics never ends. But I digress, here's a choice article from Seed Magazine!

"The more science advances, the less, it seems, that any one discipline holds all the answers—even to the problems that a discipline was originally conceived to answer. So it's not surprising that some of today's most innovative scientific thinkers are making breakthroughs by hybridizing multiple fields."

Go here for a brilliant article on some of the amazing young minds we have in the world today!

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